ELLEN ASTROPORTRAIT™ brings out her nonthreatening androgyny as a public captivation (the Scorpio Stellium over her right eye) sourced in deep alliances (Uranus in Leo, in mutual reception to her Sun, in the 8th House).
NOTE: There are two different birth times for Ellen. The two charts will be compared in another posting.
It started with sending a report of Ellen abuse to my friend, who has been on a parallel spiritual journey with me for over 30 years since we met while working on a psychic hotline, Aquarius Age 2000, in West Hollywood.
He would send another back.
Soon we were only texting Ellen stories, like ping-pong.
No need for words. Only astrology charts. First Ellen. Then Portia.
“Ellen is your evil twin,” he wrote me.
I am used to deep thinking. So I thought about this as a philosopher.
What is it about Ellen’s fall timed with my rise that makes her my evil twin?

The first, most superficial, is that we had the same Beverly Hills colorist. I was still getting blond streaks then, and she said to me: “Your grey is coming in silver. You will go natural.”
Was it because of the silver (the Moon element) or me that elicited a suggestion (the right one as I love my silver) to go natural as I age, thereby discounting my need for her services?
Ellen, on the other hand, is still getting her blonde streaks, still struggling to uphold her Ganymede image beloved by Apollo (Bush) which got her into all this trouble.
Our proximity of birth gives us the same life challenges: notably our T-square and Saturn/Mars conjunction, the ominous configuration by which they girl babies were put out to die, as the New York tarot reader Elaine Goldberg reminded me when reading my palm on the balcony of the Alexandria Library.
Yet, I worked through my lust for fame, and took the metaphysical journey into esoteric knowledge by which I escaped the Wheel of Fortune effect for all my Self-generated media.

Ellen just may be providing a far grander purpose than her ego is capable of understanding: the Ganymede figurehead performing the shift between Pisces Age codependency to the external image and the authentic inner connection to the inner independence/interdependence of the 21st century icon of the Hieros Gamos as guarantor for the Aquarian Age quest for truth in freedom.

Ellen is a slave to public approval.
I am LIKE adverse, and therefore FREE, by Aquarian necessity.

Stay tuned
for the continuation
of this theme of
my new quantum
blogel experiment
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