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New York City 2000-2011

This trilogy invents a new literary style of non-fiction quantum narrative to break down barriers between critic and reader through the protagonist’s mission to track (r)evolutionary art erasing boundaries between performance and audience.  The initial penetration into the New York arts scene parallels a new job analyzing the exploding Applications Service Providers market for The literary leap strives to merge this opposition between technology and alchemical art creation.  The quest is to create an aliveness quantum reality in which past/present/future are experienced simultaneously.  This experiment with an authentic original 21st century literary art results in a trilogy of papers defining, and then overcoming, the critical application of the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle to define a New Modernism around the globe.



NYC 2000-2004

The critic’s dramatic erotic entry into the New York arts scene is foretold by a mystical experience in the Mexican desert. This quantum shift  happens to the protagonist while photographing the final Lost Bride image before her camera is destroyed. This haunting séries running through the narrative reflects her surrender into a love affair with a notorious international art star famous for deconstructing thé Christian icon.  Thé critic experiences this love as her mystical passage into the archetype of the Aquarian Age, the icon of the Hieros Gamos.


Vol. II:
Psyché on 47th Street

NYC 2005-2008

At this stage of the journey, the critic transforms into New Media Artist, embarking on a year long experiment demonstrating her alchemical transformation process.  Her public leap into the new technology of social media results in her invention of the blogel (blog novel), thé instantaneous publication of her Self-created phenomenology of the Hieros Gamos icon marrying image/text and Heaven/Earth.



NYC 2009-2011

In the final phase of the journey, the critic transforms into curator, launching two multimedia exhibitions and a farewell cabaret bringing the decade of exploring the New York arts scene to a conclusion, thereby initiating a global trek to track the Hieros Gamos to its western roots in Cyprus.

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